History of the US military

To the best of my knowledge the only times the United States has had to defend “it’s self” (sic) – that is defend its own territory from an invader, in fully 240 years of US history, is 69 years ago when Pearl Harbor was attacked. I’d be happy to be corrected but, to the best of my knowledge, this is the only time US soil has been attacked by an aggressing invader (Mexico-US war doesn’t count because the US was the invader nor does the War of Independence, which happened before the US was a country and should be classified as a colonial power attempting to subjugate colonies in revolt, or defending those colonies not in revolt. Which I’m not suggesting is a good thing). There have been a few times US ships were attacked unprovoked and, although this was piracy 200 years ago, the US went to war over it with the Barbary Coast so that could be considered ‘self defense’ – but not of territory, of ships. Terrorist attacks, prior to 9/11, were never classified as attacks by one sovereign state on another (except by Israel – although until recently those terrorist groups were not in Government) By no means is the USA all bad nor were all invasions led by the US – Kosovo stands out as a decent reason - but we must not let rhetoric paint over the truth. Of approximately 170 foreign military excursions I am aware of in 240 years of US history, averaging one about every 18 months for 240 years, ‘self defense’ has been virtually unnecessary, pursuit of strategic or ideological goals via military conquest has been quite prominent and periodically there has been legitimate 'defense of another'. The latter two are what the US has used guns for, not self defense

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